Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Last 2 Weeks as an Ausländer in Deutschland!

Today is my very last day in Germany! I've just finished my laundry and packing, and now I must wait until 1 when the Hausmeister comes around to collect my keys. My train to Frankfurt leaves today around 3 o'clock, and we'll be spending the night in Frankfurt at a hotel. Most of everyone is going home tomorrow, but I'll be spending the next 10 days in Austria and Italy with friends from last years mission work! 

It has been some of the fastest 5 weeks of my life, to say the least!

And forgive me for not having updated in a few weeks, and since I'm getting ready to travel today, I'll only be able to post a few brief little notes, (mostly just pictures with captions)! I hope you enjoy.

My Mimi sent me a nice American goodies package to Germany! I was so excited!!


 Berlin, Berlin, Wir fahren nach Berlin! 

UNT Group in front of German Congress Building in Berlin
The weather was pretty miserable the entire day. We were all cold, wet, and a few of our umbrellas broke. But, the fact that we all still had a great time says a lot about how wonderful Berlin is!! 

East and West Germany Border Opened!
Trying to enjoy the weather :)

Berliner Dom! This is the largest church, Cathedral, in Berlin, and quite frankly, the most beautiful church I have ever seen! Some pictures of the inside are below. 

Up top is an ORGAN!!! It took up the entire wall! Someone was playing hymns too, while we were there. I was amazed at such an awing building, built for our Savior.
I was able to sit here in one of the pews and just take in all the beautiful art surrounding Christ's life, death, and resurrection. I had brought my Bible with me, and was able to soak in some Psalms.

Come, bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD,
who stand by night in the house of the LORD!
Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD!
May the LORD bless you from Zion,
he who made heaven and earth!

Psalm 134

Certainly a simply amazing Psalm to have read there. He has been so faithful through my time here, and has reminded me that though I have changed quite a bit from my experiences here, He will never change. His greatness and holiness will never waiver or be dimmed by circumstances or anything of this world or the next. He will Endure! And we must and can rejoice in that because, we have been invited to feast with Him, at HIS TABLE, the table of the perfect King. And how humbling is it that He is HONORED to have us fellowship with Him!!
For all that is unfathomable and true all at once, to Him be glory forever!

After my Saturday in Berlin, we only had a few more class days with a few little excursions around Leipzig left. Here's some pictures of a few of our last days things.

One of our last days of class together at the Herder Institute

 Looking at Leipzig from the Panorama view
 Leipzig, Deutschland

Bo, Kylie, Brooke, and Me
 Being goofy, waiting for the Straßenbahn

This is the Monument of the Nations at the site where Napolean was defeated!
Little street walking man! 

Yesterday was my last night with my roommate, Olga, in Leipzig, so she prepared us a homemade dinner! I'm going to miss her so much!

All next week I'll be vacationing in Austria and Italy with friends there! I'll most likely not update again until I'm back in the States, but be sure to check my facebook for any pictures between my posts. Thank you all for your love and prayers!

Alles Liebe,